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联系方式: hong[at]buaa.edu.cn;jieying.hong[at]foxmail.com


2020-至今: 澳门永利官网总站入口,副教授

2013-2020: 法国埃塞克高等商学院(ESSEC Business School),助理教授


2008-2013: 法国图卢兹一大(Toulouse School of Economics)博士

2006-2008: 北京大学光华管理学院硕士

2002-2006: 中国人民大学财金学院本科


[1] Jieying Hong, 2020. The Financing of Alliance Entrepreneurship.Journal of Business Venturing35(1):105916. (FT 50, ABS 4)

[2] Jieying Hong, 2019. Managerial Compensation Incentivesand Corporate Debt Maturity: Evidence from FAS 123R.Journal of Corporate Finance56: 388-414. (ABS 4)

[3] Jieying Hong and Rui Zhang, 2021. Manage-specific Shocks, Financial Constraints and Conglomerate Merger.Canadian Journal of Economics, forthcoming. (ABS 3)

[4] Jieying Hong, Sophie Moinas and Sébastien Pouget, 2021. Learning in Speculate Bubbles: Theory and Experiment.Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 185: 1-26.Lead Article(ABS 3)

[5] Jieying Hong and Na Wang, 2021. The Effects of Credit Default Swaps on Corporate Investment.European Journal of Finance, 27(3): 260-277. (ABS 3)

[6] Jieying Hong and Sébastien Pouget, 2021. Liquidity Formation and Preopening Periods in Finance Markets.Economica88: 697-723. (ABS 3)

[7] Jieying Hong and Rui Zhang*, 2021. Socialization, Job search and Integration.Economic Modelling101: 105535. (ABS 2, JCR Q1)

[8] Jieying Hong, 2019. Liquidity Shocks, Security Design and Organizational Change,Revue Economique70, 167-180.

[9]郭杰,洪洁瑛,2009.中国证券分析师的盈余预测行为有效性研究.经济研究11: 55-67.

[10]郭杰,洪洁瑛,2008.中国基金市场中的现状偏好现象研究.金融研究12: 135-146.


多次获得金融管理协会(Financial Management Association)提名最佳论文以及入选前十分会场报告。在Journal of Finance,Review of Financial Studies,Journal of Business Venturing,Applied Economics,《经济研究》等期刊担任匿名审稿人。